Cnephaeus Kaup, 1829. Skizz. Europ. Thierw. 1: 188.
V[espertilio] serotinus Schreber, 1774
Cnephaeus anatolicus (Felten, 1971).
Senckenbergiana biol. 52(6): 371.
Anatolian Serotine
Cnephaeus bottae (Peters, 1869).
Monatsb. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1869: 406.
Botta's Serotine
Cnephaeus floweri (de Winton, 1901).
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 7, 7: 46.
Horn-skinned Serotine
Cnephaeus gobiensis (Bobrinski, 1926).
Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR A p. 96.
Gobi Big Brown Bat
Cnephaeus hottentotus (A. Smith, 1833).
S. Afr. J. 2: 59.
Long-tailed Serotine
Cnephaeus isabellinus (Temminck, 1840).
Monographies de Mammalogie 2: 205, pl.52, figs 1, 2.
Meridional Serotine
Cnephaeus japonensis (Imaizumi, 1953).
Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 33: 91.
Japanese Short-tailed Bat
Cnephaeus kobayashii (Mori, 1928).
Zool. Mag. (Tokyo) 40: 292.
Kobayashi's Serotine
Eptesicus kobayashii
Korea, Nando, Heian, Heijo
CITES - Not Listed (2023). IUCN - Data Deficient as Eptesicus kobayashii (2019).
Corbet, G.B. 1978. The Mammals of the Palearctic Region: A Taxonomic Review. British Museum (Natural History) Publications, London: 314 pp. Not available online.
Fukui, D. 2019. Eptesicus kobayashii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019 Accessed 1/5/2022: Read entry.
Horáček, I., V.Hanák, and J. Gaisler. 2000. Bats of the Palearctic region: a taxonomic and biogeographic review.  Pages 11-157 In B.W. Woloszyn (eds.) Proceedings of the VIIIth European Bat Research Symposium. Vol I. Approaches to Biogeography and Ecology of Bats. Krakow, Poland: Chiropterological Information Center, Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals PAS. Not available online.
Jo, Y.S., Baccus, J.T., and Koprowski, J.L. 2018. Mammals of Korea: a review of their taxonomy, distribution and conservation status. Zootaxa 4522(1): 1-216. Read abstract.
Koopman, K.F. 1994. Chiroptera: Systematics. Handbuch der Zoologie, vol. VIII, Mammalia, Part 60. de Gruyter, Berlin: 224 pp. Not available online.
Koopman, K.F. 1993. Chiroptera.  Pages 137-241 In D.E. Wilson and D.M. Reeder (eds.) Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. Not available online.
Mori, T. 1928. On the Chiroptera of Korea. Zoological Magazine, Tokyo 40: 282-303. Not available online.
Wilson, D.E. 2022. Eptesicus kobayashii. Integrated Taxonomic Information System Accessed 1/5/2022: Read entry.
Cnephaeus nilssonii (Keyserling & Blasius, 1839).
Arch. Naturgesch. 5(1): 315.
Northern Bat
Cnephaeus ognevi (Bobrinski, 1918).
Fauna and Flora of Russia 15: 2, 12.
Ognev's Serotine
Cnephaeus pachyomus (Tomes, 1857).
Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 25(1857): 50.
Mouse-like Serotine
Cnephaeus pachyotis (Dobson, 1871).
Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 1871: 211.
Thick-eared Bat
Cnephaeus platyops (Thomas, 1901).
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 7, 8: 31.
Lagos Serotine
Cnephaeus serotinus (Schreber, 1774).
Die Säugethiere 1: 167, pl. LIIL.
Common Serotine
Cnephaeus tatei (Ellerman & Morrison-Scott, 1951).
Checklist Palaearctic Indian Mammals p. 158.
Sombre Bat
The status of this species remains uncertain; see Corbet (1978) and Horácek et al. (2000). Possibly a synonym of bottae (see Koopman, 1993, 1994) or serotinus (see Horácek et al., 2000). Listed as a synonym of Eptesicus pachyomus pallens by the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) without comment. Fukui (2019) notes that this "species has not been identified since its original description, and no specimen has been available to assess its taxonomic status (Tony Hutson pers. comm. 2008)." These concerns lead Jo et al. (2018) to conclude that this species does not currently occur in Korea. We retain kobayashii as a provisionally valid species, pending additional review. Sometimes spelled kobayashi.